Our School Dogs


Charlie was born on January 4, 2021 and joined our team in Stahringen in April 2021. Charlie and his owner Mrs Cormier, attended school dog training together and passed their "school dog exam" with Vita Canis Working Dogs in September 2022.

Charlie comes at least once a week to school and accompanies Mrs Cormier in her lessons. Sometimes he helps out with the children's learning, other times he helps out in the office, or is there for a cuddle or a play when the children need it. He is a well loved member of the school team. 


Livy our new school dog, an American Collie, has been coming to our school since the spring of 2023. She contributes a lot of positive things to the atmosphere in the classroom. She is a quiet, empathetic listener to whom the children can read to without stress. In addition, Livy can give the children their assignments, as well as math assignments with the help of a Buzzer. This makes the lessons even more fun.
Through her presence, the stress level of the children is lowered and they are more balanced and try to be quiet. In this way, the children learn to take care of each other, to take responsibility and also practical knowledge about dogs is taught.
She enriches our school day very much and is currently in her training as a school and therapy dog.